In an ASTROCARTO reading, I use a blend of astrological techniques focused on location and environment including AstroCartoGraphy, Human Design, Local Space, and Geodetics. With this custom blend, you’ll receive a full picture of what’s happening both in a city, and within you when you visit. You don't need to travel far distances to see all the benefits of a session! Many of the findings on your map apply to everyday life at home.
1. FIND YOUR BIRTH TIME. Ask a parent for an approximate time. If that’s not an option, contact the hospital or city where you were born to access your birth records. A replacement birth certificate costs up to $25 and usually takes three weeks to receive.
2. BOOK YOUR CONSULTATION. This is your deep dive into discovering your place in the world. We will review your Human Design as it relates to your best environment, as well as your global Astrocartography map, zoning in on 5 specific locations.
3. EXPAND YOUR VIEW. Use this tool to see the potential opportunities available to you. Book a trip, move to a new city, or rediscover the city you live in now with fresh perspective. Optimize the way you move through and experience the world.